Welcome to the Royal Capital

The King's Palace Museum
The palace of the last umwami (traditional king) of Rwanda (King Mutara III Rudahigwa, who reigned from 1931 to 1959) is located within walking distance of the town center and is the town's main tourist attraction. There, one can see the king's traditional palace living arrangements and the modern palace built by the Belgians for the king. A Rwandan woman dressed in an umushanana (Rwanda's silky, flowing traditional dress) guides visitors through the palaces.
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Kings Palace Museum
The palace of the last umwami of Rwanda King Mutara III Rudahigwa. It consists of the king's traditional palace and the modern palace built by the Belgians for the king.

Nyanza Visitor Center
Nyanza Visitor Center offers comprehensive tourism services, including guided tours, itinerary planning, and bookings for nearby attractions. Open daily.

Kwigira Museum
Originally built as the royal palace for King Mutara III Rudahigwa, the structure was completed in 1958, but the king tragically passed away before he could inaugurate it